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20 December 2021

Time is not on the side of the rule of law in Poland.  Justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro no longer pretends to care about European law and courts. It is time for European institutions to prove that European law and institutions are stronger than the chaos that he has already brought to his country’s courts. But time is running out.

6 August 2021

Poland has become a test case today whether it is possible to create a justice system in an EU member state without independent courts. The Commission should propose, and the ECJ impose a fine of € 880 million every two months until the Polish government implements the 15 July ruling.

11 June 2021

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der derzeitige Konsens in Australien – dass nur Pushbacks und härteste Abschreckung irreguläre Migration reduzieren, was sowohl moralisch als auch politisch wünschenswert ist – anderswo, in Asien und in Europa, übernommen werden wird. Wenn dies geschieht, wird Refoulement auf der ganzen Welt zum Normalzustand

7 June 2021

There is a possibility that the current consensus in Australia – that only pushbacks and the harshest deterrence reduce irregular migration, which is both morally and politically desirable – will be embraced elsewhere, in Asia and in Europe. If this happens refoulement will be normalised around the world.

28 May 2021

Es war nie leicht, das globale System zum Schutz von Flüchtlingen aufrechtzuerhalten. Und doch ist das System gerade heute, angesichts routinemäßiger Zurückweisungen (auch) in Europa, Australien und den Vereinigten Staaten besonders gefährdet. Wie kann es uns gelingen, die Flüchtlingskonvention heute zu bewahren?

26 May 2021

Adherence to the global refugee protection system has always been fragile. And yet, today the system risks collapse, as pushbacks are carried out routinely across the world, including in Europe, in Australia and in the US. How to protect the Geneva refugee convention today?

20 April 2021

If the Russian state is allowed to ignore the European Court of Human Rights, again, and to kill another critic of the government, it will have shown that the Council is a club of states for whom the respect for fundamental rights is wholly optional.

2 April 2021

In recent weeks, the unbelievable story of corruption of parliaments across Europe by the Caspian autocracy of Azerbaijan has created big waves in Germany. For the Aliyev regime, almost two decades of efforts to aggressively undermine democratic institutions remained without consequences.

9 March 2021

EU ima snažan politički i ekonomski interes da svim zainteresovanim zemljama zapadnog Balkana ponudi mogućnost da se pridruže jedinstvenom tržištu EU, kao međukoraku u reformisanom procesu pristupanja EU iz dva koraka. Zemlje i ekonomije mogu sustići u razvoju. Da bi se to dogodila proces pristupanja mora biti vjerodostojan, zasnovan na zaslugama i ozbiljan. To se događalo i prije. Može se desiti ponovo.

9 March 2021

The EU has a strong political and economic incentive to offer to any interested Western Balkan nation the chance to join its Single Market as an interim goal in a reformed two-stage EU accession process. Countries and economies can catch up. For this it must be credible, merit based and serious. It has happened before. It can happen again.


5 August 2020

It is crucial to have a rule of law protection mechanism that unambiguously and concretely protects national judiciaries and the effective application of EU law at the national level.

27 April 2020

Europe needs more solidarity and financial transfers, these must strengthen the values that connect Europeans, not undermine them.

3 April 2020

Why should Germans, Dutch, Swedes and their leaders care about a possible tragedy on distant Greek islands where more than 40,000 refugees and migrants live crammed together in dismal sanitary conditions?

20 March 2020

The EU and Turkey have a common interest to support more than 3.5 million refugees now in Turkey; to control mobility in the face of the biggest public health crisis in a century: and to provide humanitarian assistance to more than 2 million displaced near the Turkish border in Syria.

17 February 2020

It is in The Gambia's interest to see its diaspora thrive in Germany. It is not in its interest to see it disappear. It is The Gambia's interest to help those in Germany who want an agreement.

16 January 2020

EU Balkan enlargement is only possible if it is deeply transformative. None of the current candidates and potential candidates have a chance of joining without a deep transformation.


16 December 2019

National courts are central pillars in the EU legal architecture. They must defend the norms and enforce EU rules in all member states directly. 

26 October 2019

What is needed is a process that does not replace accession and yet is different; a process that promises EU influence and is also attractive and credible to Balkan publics and leaders. 

29 July 2019

Nobody in The Gambia wants a return to the tragedy of recent years, when tens of thousands were captured and mistreated in Libya and huge numbers died on the "backway" to Europe.

28 April 2019

L'UE doit également prouver qu'elle honore sa parole face aux dirigeants qui s'emploient à établir des relations avec leurs voisins et avec les minorités dans un véritable esprit de réconciliation.